Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pirate Theme Birthday Party Ideas

Shiver me timbers! Ahoy ye hearties and avast thy chase for a booty of pirate party are right here on this blog which marks the X. For all sea dog pirates who are searching for party idea treasures for their young swashbuckler, look no further.

Are you ready to transform your home into a Caribbean port and your backyard into a pirate ship? Pirate parties only come once in a lifetime and you want to make it one that your little pirate will remember forever.

INVITATIONS: The invitation is a drawing of an island with various features labeled (eg., Deadman's Swamp, Pirate's Cove, etc.) The font similar to Old English in keeping with the pirate theme. The party blurb was "Aaarrr! Come if you dare to (boys names) pirate party. They are turning 7 and need shipmates to swab the deck, walk the plank and look for pirate treasure. We set sail on, Pier located at.., RSVP First Mate."

Ask them to wear striped t-shirts if they had one. The paper is aged by dabbing it with a wet tea bag and once dry the edges are burnt to give it that old "treasure map" look. The invite is rolled up and put into a bottle with some sand, small shells and skull confetti. Each bottle had a black label with a white skull and crossbones and the child's name on it, and were hand delivered.

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