Saturday, September 5, 2009

Get Organized for the Holidays Week 2 "Deep Clean"

Part 2 of our "Get Organized for the Holidays" by

Now that you have everything De-cluttered ( see yesterday's post)... it's time to do the deep cleaning.

So ... WEEK 2: Deep clean.

Corners, cobwebs & under the furniture.
AGAIN.... choose 1 room per day during this week.

Take out the vacuum & using the extended hand tool... start around the ceilings & down corners of the walls. Then go around the corners & edges of the floors. Remember the window sills & stairway step corners too.

Then using the extension tubes with the "fuzzy" attachment.... hit the top of doorways, picture frames & the top of curtain rods. Then pull the cushions on the furniture & give them a good vacuuming.

Move out all the furniture, sweep out any items that rolled under there & vacuum. Then the rest of the floor can get a good vacuuming.

If you have hardwood, tiles or linolium... mop or scrub with hot soapy water or hardwood cleaner. If you use a cleaner that has oils in it for hardwood floors... a little trick: to shine it up, put on clean socks on you & the kids & get them to "shine with their feet". (we have races lol )

As for the Kitchen... this should also be the week that you clean out the refrigerator & clean the cabinets (at least the outsides) Remember to get the oven cleaned too. Self cleaning ovens can be set during 1 of the nights during this week.

Also this week is a good time to "do windows in each of the rooms".

If you have Guests staying in a guest room.... make up the beds & hang fresheners in the closets & CLOSE the door so the kids don't go in & mess it all up again.

Come back tomorrow for "week 3".

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